Huron County Historical Society - Newsletters
2009 September
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Huron County Historical Society |
110 North St, PO Box 3, Goderich ON, N7A 3Y5 |
519-524-1156 |
Executive for 2009-2010 |
David Armstrong | president | 519-524-1156 |
Ralph Laviolette | secretary | 519-440-6206 |
Mac Campbell | treasurer | 519-524-7935 |
Ralph Laviolette | newsletter | 519-440-6206 |
Elaine Snell | membership | 519-523-9531 |
Ted Turner | archivist | |
Isobel Bissonnette | archivist | |
Brock Vodden | councilor | |
Rhea Hamilton-Seeger | councilor |
Next Society Meetings...
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
5:30pm Lions Community Building in beautiful downtown AUBURN
5:30pm Bud Chamney’s antique and classic car and truck collection
6:15pm Famous roast beef dinner ($14pp) hosted by the Auburn Women’s Institute. Call Mac Campbell 519.524.7935 for reservations.
7:15pm General Meeting and Presentation of the History of Auburn (originally Manchester) by Jim and Dorothy Schneider
8:00pm Heritage Hall to view Auburn artifacts collected by Jim SchneiderWednesday, October 21, 2009
Dinner 6:00 pm and General Meeting 7:00 pm at Holmesville (subject to change)Presentations will include Paul Carroll on a new book - Four Years on the Great Lakes, and Beth Ross on the Huron County Cultural Plan.
More information in the next newsletter.
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
Dinner 6:00 pm and General Meeting 7:00 pm at St Andrews United Church, BayfieldFull course dinner ($15pp) hosted by the Church Auxiliary.
Presentation by Janet Snider, author and publisher of elementary school texts, on Enlivening Canadian History.
Membership renewal...
The date shown above your name on the address label is the year to which your membership is paid up. If you are in arrears, consider this a reminder that the membership fees are now $20.To reserve your member’s copy of Historical Notes, keep your dues up to date. Past copies of the Notes are available at the Museum, $8 per copy.
And, if you are in arrears, mail-in your membership today.Note our current address for mail and memberships:
HCHS Memberships, Box 3, Goderich ON, N7A 3Y5.
President’s message...
Greetings, Members and Friends of the Huron County Historical Society!
Once again it seems that summer has sped by and we are looking at our fall schedule of activities. I hope that you will plan to include attendance at the HCHS monthly meetings that have been planned. As you can see, the Council has included an interesting array of topics at locations across our beautiful county. We are most appreciative of our guest speakers who have agreed to share their expertise and passion for local history with us.
Our Society continues to foster its goals of preserving and communicating the history of Huron County and its people and stimulating interest in local history. The Executive Council is looking at new ways to achieve these goals and we will be discussing these initiatives at our fall get-togethers.
I look forward to seeing you at our upcoming meetings. ~ David Armstrong
At the last meeting...
Ted Johns of Blyth Festival was introduced by Eric Coates and featured a presentation about the genesis of his play - The Bootblack Orator.
Sometime in the heady days of the 1800’s when gentry took pride in presenting issues of the day in oratorical splendor and energy, there arose traveling orators in Huron County, somewhat similar to town criers, except that their styles were unusually unique and their topics and subject matter somewhat amplified for effect.
The play highlights one of these period characters with all his follies and foibles featured in anecdotes.
See the photos of the event and the audience enjoying Benmiller hospitality on the back page.
Above Photo: Benmiller Inn hosted the event on an evening when it offers a Seniors Dinner option at an affordable price. Here is part of the group gathered for dinner in the Sun Room off the main dining room.
Photo Left: Eric Coates, artistic director of the Blyth Festival during the animated introduction of Ted Johns and his presentation.
Above Photo: Ted Johns, actor and playwright, presenting to the group. The poster to the right features the play.
Above Photo: Ted Johns and president David Armstrong in a during a relaxed moment following the presentation
Letters to the editor...
Always welcome. Send to Ralph Laviolette, the HCHS editor at the address above or e-mail Ralph.
Future meetings...
Have you an idea about an interesting presentation of County interest, either current or of an historic nature. Let us know. We would be pleased to receive and act on your suggestions.
Huron Historical Notes What’s next?...
The editorial staff have been hard at work preparing the 2009 Notes edition featuring the Village of Bayfield. It will be printed in late September and distributed in October to paid-up members.Work on the 2010 Notes edition featuring anecdotes and other notable trivia of historic Huron County nature is also in preparation. Story contributions would be appreciated.
Notes are funded by membership fees and donations. If you feel that Notes provide a valuable record of Huron County events and history, why not consider encouraging others to become members or to buy their own copies of Notes for personal use.