Huron County Historical Society - HCHS 2004 Notes 
HCHC 2004 Notes Index (Volume XXXVIII)
- A Year of Celebration
- Auburn (Page 03)
- Bluevale (Page 05)
- Dungannon (Page 08)
- Varna (Page 11)
- Wingham (Page 14)
- Auburn (Page 03)
- Junior Farmers Celebrate 60 Years (Page 16)
- Box 487 Yields Goldmine (Page 19)
- The Uniform of the Scots 1st Battalion (Page 24)
- The Royal Scots in Canada in 1812 (Page 27)
- Local Man in CBC Re-enactment (Page 28)
- Direction of Canada
- Company Revealed in New Book (Page 30)
- Obituaries Page (Page 31)
- News Clips Page (Page 32)
- Company Revealed in New Book (Page 30)
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A Year of Celebration
CDs and new incites into the Canada Company..
It has once again been my pleasure to represent the Huron County Historical Society as your president. My newness is wearing off and as a sense of it being a time for the real work to begin I want to start with a profound thank you to all the executive and council members. By having a collective mind set in the preservation of and exploitation of our area history we have had a most successful year.
This issue of the Historical Notes is dedicated to the Celebration of Settlement. Several communities in Huron County marked the anniversary of their settlement. We have been able to, in small part, also enjoy the history of these communities as they have celebrated their beginnings. We held meetings in Auburn and Varna to highlight their villages' history and the spirit which remains deep-seated in their communities.
Others have also celebrated significant anniversaries and we have done our best in this year's Historical Notes to tease you into wishing to know more.
The annual dinner last fall saw soldiers from the war of 1812 dining with Tiger Dunlop while Robert Lee spoke in anticipation of his new book on the Canada Company. See the review and picture in this issue.
The publication of The Canada Company and the Huron Tract, 1826-1853, Personalities, Profits and Politics by Robert C. Lee through Natural Heritage books was a great success and the Society was pleased to be involved. Our contribution yielded a return of product we now proudly offer the membership and others as a great read and a wonderful addition to any historian's library.
I have enjoyed my time at the helm and anticipate a continued time of cooperation and learning among all the members of the society, executive and council as we set new goals and explore new projects.
One of those new projects is the Historical Notes becoming available on CD. While Heritage Goderich has been the initial force behind this project the H.C.H.S. has been pleased to offer what ever support we can. This will make the Historical Notes far more broadly accessible. It is vital we, the H.C.H.S, not only keep pace with the changes within our social conscience but to anticipate the needs of historians in the years to come and do our best to accommodate them. With this in mind we can reach well beyond our own membership as we go forward in this century.
My dream for the Huron Historical Society is to have a wider appeal to the thousands of residents in Huron and beyond. I am enthralled by the richness of the lives that passed over and through these hills and hollows and continues with the impact of new people
Contents and new ideas in our communities.
With our feet planted firmly in the future and an unwavering eye on our past we will continue to preserve our legacy for generations to come.
Debbie Bauer