Huron County Historical Society - HCHS 2009 Notes 
HCHC 2009 Notes Index (Volume XLIV)
- Summers in Bayfield (Page 3)
- Baron de Tuyll Buys Land (Page 4)
- The Importance of the Harbour (Page 6)
- The Mills (Page 11)
- Other Early Industries and Business (Page 13)
- Fishing (Page 14)
- The Ice Harvest (Page 16)
- Clan Gregor Square and Main Street (Page 17)
- St Andrews United Church (Page 19)
- Middleton House (Page 19)
- Connor House (Page 19)
- William Wellington Connor (Page 20)
- James A. Gairdner (Page 21)
- Bayfield Town Hall (Page 22)
- Bayfield Public School (Page 22)
- The One-Eyed Church (Page 23)
- Stanbury Cottage (Page 23)
- Stanbury House (Page 23)
- Struthers Woolen Mill (Page 23)
- Weston/Wallace Home (Page 24)
- Gordon House (Page 24)
- Clifton Manor / Burns House (Page 24)
- Albion Hotel (Page 25)
- Edwards' Cash Store (Page 26)
- John Tippet's Harness Shop (Page 26)
- Tudor J. Marks Shop (Page 26)
- The Village Guild / Erwin Houses (Page 26)
- Whiddon's Store / Red Pump (Page 28)
- William Whiddon's Shoe Shop (Page 28)
- Whiddon's Apple Evaporator (Page 28)
- Smith / Utter House (Page 29)
- Fraser's / Hewson's General Store (Page 29)
- Ritz Hotel / Martha Ritz (Page 30)
- Fairlawn (Page 31)
- Will Ferguson House (Page 31)
- Fowlie Store (Page 31)
- The Little Inn (Page 32)
- Fowlie House / Bayfield House (Page 33)
- Archives & Library (Page 33)
- A History of Bayfield Library (Page 33)
- Bayfield Historical Society (Page 34)
- Martin's Store / Post Office (Page 34)
- The Post Office in Bayfield (Page 34)
- Telephone Service Comes (Page 35)
- Brownett's Shoe Shop / Woollen Shop (Page 35)
- Cameron's Harness Shop (Page 36)
- Gairdner House (Page 36)
- Harrison's Village Market (Page 36)
- Rutledge House & Store (Page 37)
- Woods' Post Office (Page 37)
- Knox Presbyterian Church (Page 38)
- St Andrews United Church (Page 19)
- A Stroll Along Tuyll St & Bayfield Terrace (Page 39)
- William Metcalf House (Page 39)
- Signal Point & Pioneer Park (Page 39)
- Llandudno / Century House (Page 40)
- Dance Hall (Page 41)
- Shangri-la (Page 41)
- Wilson House (Page 41)
- The Hut‖ (Page 42)
- Morgan's Store / River Hotel (Page 42)
- William Metcalf House (Page 39)
- Some Other Places of Note (Page 43)
- Pollock's Corners (Page 43)
- The Rectory / Camborne House (Page 43)
- Orlagh (Page 44)
- Dr. Ninian Mahaffey Woods (Page 44)
- Gemeinhardt Furniture & Cider Mill (Page 45)
- Pollock's Corners (Page 43)
- The Bridges Spanning Bayfield River (Page 47)
- Photo Gallery (Page 49)
- Bayfield Harbour – A Haven for Pleasure Craft (Page 53)
- Timeline (Page 53)
- Bibliography (Page 54)
Click here for a printer friendly copy of the HCHS Notes 2003-2009 Companion Index in Adobe PDF format.
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To improve user experience, the 2009 HCHS Notes are now searchable and readable online for current HCHS members.
Message from HCHS President 2009
Greetings to all members and friends of the Huron County Historical Society! As you will see, the 2009 issue of Huron Historical Notes is devoted to the history and development of the Village of Bayfield. This edition continues our plan to compose or update the Notes histories of the towns and villages in Huron County which will be complemented by review Notes of early County industries. For gathering this information and its preparation for printing, we owe a debt of gratitude to Past President Ralph Laviolette and to our writer and page designer, Dianne Smith. Dianne has used Seaforth Expositor articles and 19th-century business gazetteers for some of her research to great advantage and has impressed some older villagers with the results! Ralph and Dianne have devoted many hours to this project and we sincerely appreciate their commitment and skill. In addition, we thank the members of the Bayfield Historical Society. Without their cooperation and support this valuable document would simply not have been possible.
2009 is proving to be another busy year for our Society. General meetings were held on April 23rd (Brussels) and June 3rd (Benmiller). For the fall we have plans for September 23rd (Auburn), October 21st (Holmesville) and November 18th (Bayfield). Details of these meetings and other plans for the Society will be sent out in the regular newsletters.
The 2009 Annual General Meeting was convened at Trivitt Memorial Church in Exeter on May 13th following a lovely dinner at Eddington's Restaurant. The meeting was attended by 17 members and guests who were given a most informative tour of the historic church following the business meeting. Many thanks are sent to all of our wonderful presenters and the organizers for these interesting and informative sessions.
The 2009 Executive Council is composed of the following dedicated volunteers: President David Armstrong, Past President/Secretary Ralph Laviolette, Treasurer Mac Campbell, Membership Chair Elaine Snell, Archivists Isobel Bissonnette, Rhea Hamilton-Seeger, and Ted Turner, and Councillors Glen Gardiner, and Brock Vodden. The Executive Council will have met on at least five occasions during the year.
Over the course of the spring, the Executive Council met on several occasions with Jodi Jerome to discuss the possibility of various projects that might be undertaken by the Society. Jodi is no stranger to those interested in local history. She was previously coordinator at the North Huron Museum in Wingham and currently provides leadership for the Sallows Gallery. Jodi's knowledge and expertise around funding opportunities is very valuable to our Society. These discussions are ongoing and it is anticipated that further information and decisions will occur at our fall meetings. Another highlight for 2009 is support for the second annual Celebration of First Nations in Goderich, Blyth and Bayfield.
The meetings, activities and projects of our Society are funded through membership fees and special grants.
If any of you have queries about the Society or archives, please use the current information on the contact HCHS page.
David Armstrong, President 2009