Huron County Historical Society - HCHS 2010 Notes 
HCHC 2010 Notes Index (Volume XLV)
- Introduction (Page 1)
- Foreword from the inaugural 1965 Notes Edition (Page 2)
- Before 911 numbers (Page 2)
- Things Bygone - 1940s Bayfield (Page 3)
- Saga of the National Iron Works in Wingham (Page 4)
- Who is that man? (Page 6)
- Apostle Huron County – Reverend Peter Schneider (Page 7)
- Ball's Bridge revived (Page 8)
- A family history – Seeger (Page 9)
- Tribute - Ernest Russell Snell (Page 10)
- Kalbfleisch of Zurich – 100 Years In Lumber (Page 11)
- Where Bayfield Lay (Page 12)
- Goderich – A Brief History circa 1964 (Page 12)
- Auburn – my village (Page 15)
- The Armstrongs and Boyds of Early Huron (Page 16)
- Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets (Page 17)
- Down to the Sea in Ships (Page 18)
- The Story of Worsley and the Nancy (Page 19)
- The Story of Roxboro (Page 21)
- Ben Spencer's old sow (Biddy) and other tales (Page 22)
- Was Paul Bunyan a local boy? (Page 23)
- Currelly - Famous Curator from Huron (Page 24)
- The Humble Rag (Page 25)
- Port believed site of munitions plant (Page 26)
- Stories cemeteries tell (Page 27)
- Society objectives (Page 28)
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To improve user experience, the 2010 HCHS Notes are now searchable and readable online for current HCHS members.
Message from HCHS President 2010
Greetings to all members and friends
of the Huron County Historical
Society! Welcome to this 45th annual
edition of Huron Historical Notes.
As you will see, this year's Notes is comprised of
items of interest from a wide variety of Huron
County perspectives. We are most appreciative of
the suggestions and contributions from our Society
members and friends. In particular we extend our
thanks to Notes editor Ralph Laviolette who has
devoted many, many hours to this publication. Its
high quality content and appearance may be
attributed to this exceptional effort.
2010 promises to be another busy year for
our Society. At the time of writing, general meetings are being planned for April 21st
(Seaforth) and June 16th. In addition, the Annual
General Meeting is planned for Wednesday, May
19th. For the fall we have plans for the third
Wednesday evenings of September, October and
November. Details of these meetings and other
plans for the Society will be sent out in the regular
newsletters. As always, many thanks are extended
to all of our wonderful presenters and the
organizers for these interesting and informative
sessions. I am always amazed at the amount of
historical information and the diligence evident in
presentations from our members and others.
During 2010 the Society will also be
involved in at least two interesting and ongoing
projects. The first relates to an effort begun several
years ago to identify, create and install a series of
bronze plaques, each of which commemorates a
significant person, event or location in Huron
County history. It is our intention to continue the
type of plaque that may be seen honouring J.
Herbert Neill at the Huron County Museum in
Goderich and at the Wroxeter Cemetery. Our
goal is to work with Huron County partners to
identify worthy subjects at locations across Huron
County. On another front, the Society is taking a leadership role with a group of interested parties
in addressing the continuing need for archival
storage of historical artefacts and documents. This
project will likely gain focus this year and may well
extend into a multi-year endeavour.
For 2010 the Executive Council is
composed of the following dedicated volunteers:
President David Armstrong, Past President and
Secretary Ralph Laviolette, Treasurer Mac Campbell, Membership Chair Elaine Snell,
Archivists Isobel Bissonnette, Rhea Hamilton-Seeger and Ted Turner, and Councillor Brock
Vodden. The Executive Council will be meeting on
at least five occasions during the year. If you haven't already book marked our
website, you will likely want to check it out:
The meetings, activities and projects of our
Society are funded through membership fees and
special grants.
If any of you have queries about the Society or archives, please use the current information on the contact HCHS page.
David Armstrong, President 2010