Huron County Historical Society - HCHS 2012 Notes 
HCHC 2012 Notes Index (Volume XLVII)
- Introduction (Page 2)
- The Van Egmonds
- "The Colonel" - Anthony Van Egmond (Page 3)
- The Mills (Page 4)
- Constant Louis -Village Founder (Page 4)
- The First School (Page 5)
- Taverns and Hotels
- Daly's National Hotel (Page 5)
- William Van Egmond's American Hotel (Page 5)
- Brydon's Hotel - "Bummer's Roost" (Page 6)
- Van Egmond Reserve (Page 6)
- Tanneries (Page 7)
- Sproat's Blacksmith Shop (Page 7)
- Dickson's General Store (Page 8)
- David Duncan, Undertaker (Page 8)
- John Fleurscheutz, Tailor (Page 8)
- John Weber, Hatter (Page 8)
- Huron Pottery (Page 8)
- Huron Brewery (Page 10)
- Presbyterian Church (Page 11)
- G & H Jackson's (Page 13)
- George E. Jackson (Page 15)
- Van Egmond Woollen Mills (Page 16)
- Drs Fitzsimmons & Vercoe (Page 19)
- Leopold Van Egmond, Gunsmith (Page 19)
- 1862 Plan of Egmondville (Page 20)
- Egmondville in the 1860s and Later (Page 22)
- Ashery (Page 22)
- Blacksmiths & Waggon Makers (Page 22)
- John Gray, Plough Maker (Page 23)
- Foundry (Page 23)
- Levi Tinkess, Pump Maker (Page 24)
- Carpenters & Cabinetmakers (Page 24)
- Other Building Trades (Page 24)
- Coopers (Page 25)
- Saddlers (Page 25)
- Merchants & Clerks (Page 25)
- Shoemakers (Page 26)
- Butcher, Baker, Candle Maker & Tinsmith (Page 27)
- Weavers (Page 27 )
- Tailors & Dressmakers (Page 28 )
- Lutheran Church (Page 28 )
- C. Heffler, Willow-ware Maker (Page 28)
- William McDougall, Fur Dealer (Page 28 )
- The School after 1855 (Page 29 )
- The Flour Mill in Later Years (Page 29 )
- Dexter Training Stables (Page 31)
- Timeline, Egmondville Notes (Page 32)
- Bibliography (Page 34)
- Van Egmond Family Tree (Page 35)
- President's Message (Page 38)
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Message from the Editor 2012
Occasionally, Notes devotes an edition to the story of a Huron County community. This edition features the village of Egmondville, the southerly neighbour of Seaforth in Huron East. Decades before there was a Seaforth, pioneers settled at Harpurhey (and nearby Roxborough) on the Guelph to Goderich road, now Highway 8, and at Egmondville on the banks of the upper reaches of the Bayfield River. Seaforth, once dubbed Guide-Board Swamp, came to be as a result of the railway'S chosen path to Goderich which bisected the earlier communities. As captured in this Notes edition, Egmondville and its settlers gave a distinctive often forgotten flavour to the settlement and growth of the eastern part of Huron County until and after the rails were laid in the mid-1850s.
Many thanks to researcher Dianne Smith for her work on this edition and a planned follow-up edition about additional historical notes and features of the Egmondville area. Dianne had helpers and great sources. Bill Brown shared his much-appreciated memories and local knowledge. Dianne also passes on her thanks to Carol McLean, Pat Saundercock of the Van Egmond Foundation, Laurie Kruse, Randy McClure, Janis Vodden and Dorothy Butt for their interest in and help with the project.
Funding for the preparation of this edition came jointly from an Ontario Historical Organization Development Grant and the Huron East Chamber of Commerce. Printing was done at Goderich Printing Ltd on the Huron Road.
Enjoy a good read. It is amazing how much historical information can be accumulated by people with the interest and passion to tell it like it was. If you haven't already book marked our
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Researcher Dianne is still gathering data and recollections about Egmondville if you come across any additional photographs, anecdotes, or any errors or omissions, please let us know at
If any of you have queries about the Society or archives, please use the current information on the contact HCHS page.
Ralph Laviolette, Notes Editor 2012