Huron County Historical Society - HCHS 2013 Notes 
HCHC 2013 Notes Index (Volume XLVIII)
- Great Storm of 1913 Commemorative Edition
- Message from the President (Page 1)
- Letter from the Editor (Page 1)
- The Great Storm of 1913 (Page 2 - Page 31)
- Nov. 13, 1913 ed. of The Huron Signal (Page 2)
- Articles from Goderich Signal-Star - Oct. 30 & Nov. 6, 1975 (Page 4)
- A recounting - The Great Lakes Storm of 1913 - Nov. 1981 ed. The Village Squire magazine. (Page 8)
- 'Meteorological Aspects of the 1913 Great Storm' (Page 12)
- 'The Great Storm of 1913' - by Jason Ainslie, Feb. 1974 (Page 14)
- 'The 1913 Storm Once Again' - by Capt. Robert A. Sinclair (Page 14)
- 'November Storm Stalked Lake' - by Larry Mohring (Page 19)
- "The Great Storm of November 1913 Once Again" by Glen Gardiner, Port Albert Nov. 2000 (Page 22)
- 'The Goderich Inquest' - Discussion of the Great Storm 1913 – by Claus Breede 2002 Marine Heritage (Page 22)
- The Survey of the 'Wexford' - 2000-2002 Marine Heritage (Page 24)
- 'The Big Storm of 1913' - An accounting... The Lakeshore Guardian, a US publication of the Wisconsin Marine Historical Society (Page 25)
- The Howard M. Hanna. Jr. after the Great Storm... (Page 27)
- 'Gales of November' - appeared in the Nov. 13, 2008 ed. Toronto Star by Adam Mayers. (Page 28)
- 'Down to the Sea in Ships' - article from the Presbyterian Record of Feb. 1996, by Gwyneth Whilsmith (Page 30)
- Mariners' Service to Honour Huron
Ships & Sailors -
Courtesy of Glen Gardiner of Port Albert,
Feb. 13, 2009 (Page 31)
- News clippings, stories, photographs... (Page 2 - Page 31)
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Message from the President 2013
Greetings once again to all who are interested in
the history of Huron County! This issue of the
Huron County Historical Notes is our 48th annual
publication – a very significant accomplishment for
our volunteer organization.
Our thanks to transcriber and editor Ralph Laviolette and those who have assisted with this valuable publication.
The Great Storm of 1913 had a devastating and long-term impact on Huron County and its residents. The tragic loss of life and the significance of sailors' bodies washing onto our shores can only be imagined by those of us 100 years after the event. November and December of 1913 must have been a very sad time for all residents of Huron County and for our neighbours around the Great Lakes. For these reasons it is particularly important that we commemorate the Great Storm and those who were so severely affected. The Huron County Historical Society is proud to be a partner in the series of events planned by the Great Storm Committee and other heritage organizations from Huron County and beyond.
To date, 2013 has been another busy year for the Society. Last fall general meetings were held on September 19th (White Carnation, Holmesville), October 17th (Park House, Goderich) and November 21st (HC Museum, Goderich). Presentations at these sessions included: The History of Goderich Township Families: It's Not Just Genealogy! by Alison Lobb; The Tiger: Soldier, Engineer, and Army Surgeon by Paul Carroll; and Goderich Harbour: An Early Picture Postcard Historical Look at our Local Harbour by Glen Gardiner. These well- received presentations were most interesting and we appreciate the efforts of the presenters.
At the time of writing plans are being developed for the spring series of HCHS meetings:
April 18th – The Great Storm of 1913 by Susan Bennett, Curator of the Port Huron Michigan Maritime Museum, May 15th – TBD, June 19th – 1838 Upper Canada Rebellion & the Patriot Raids by Dr. John Carter.
Prior to each meeting the latest HCHS Newsletter is sent out by our Newsletter Chair Ralph Laviolette. In addition to information about upcoming meetings, Ralph keeps us informed about HCHS projects and membership details. The current and historical photos, pictures and articles are always interesting.
During 2013, the Society continues to be involved in various special projects aimed at promoting and preserving Huron County history. These include the Archives Project and a project aimed at further development of historic plaques across the county.
If you haven't done so recently, you should take a few minutes to explore our Society website: Councilor Brock Vodden has been hard at work with our webmaster, Derek Fazakas, to make our site both attractive and most informative. Plans are currently underway to add a searchable feature for Huron Historical Notes. This will be a members-only, password-protected feature, so make sure that your dues are paid up to date!
For 2013 the Executive Council includes the following dedicated volunteers: President David Armstrong, Past President/Secretary Ralph Laviolette, Treasurer Mac Campbell, Membership Chair Elaine Snell, Archivist Rhea Hamilton-Seeger and Councilor Brock Vodden. The Executive Council endeavours to meet on at least five occasions during the year. Again this year we are most appreciative of the funding support received from the Ontario Heritage Organization Development Fund.
If any of you have queries about the Society or archives, please use the current information on the contact HCHS page.
David Armstrong, President 2013