Huron County Historical Society - HCHS 2014 Notes 
HCHC 2014 Notes Index (Volume XLIX)
- More of the Village of Egmondville 1914 Edition
- Message from the President (Page 1)
- Letter from the Editor (Page 1)
- Business In Later Years (Page 3)
- Van Egmond's Woollen Mill After 1900 (Page 3)
- Blacksmith and Machine Shop (Page 5)
- Grocery Stores - Daly, Sproat, Clark, Leitch (Page 5)
- Jackson's Egmondville Store (Page 6)
- Jackson's Tannery (Page 7)
- Prohibition Closes Huron Brewery (Page 7)
- The Old Mill Pond (Page 7)
- Kruse Bros. Brick & Tile Works (Page 9)
- Kruse Bros Chopping Mill (Page 14)
- Egmondville Notes (Page 15)
- Van Egmonds & Jacksons (Page 17)
- The Henry R Jackson Family (Page 17)
- The George E Jackson Family (Page 18)
- Descendents of JD Constant Louis Van Egmond (Page 18)
- The Van Egmond Foundation (Page 20)
- Appendix (Page 22)
- The Village Lots - Who Owned What (Page 22)
- Bibliography (Page 35)
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To improve user experience, the 2014 HCHS Notes are now searchable and readable online for current HCHS members.
Message from the President 2014
Greetings, Huron County history buffs!
This issue of the Huron Historical Notes is our 49th annual publication – a very important accomplishment for our small volunteer organization.
Special thanks to Editor Ralph Laviolette and Dianne Smith, researcher and author. It is most significant that this is the first issue in recent years to be published well before the beginning of the New Year. Congratulations, team!
This is our second look at the Village of Egmondville, intended as a complement to the 2012 edition of Notes.
As mentioned in the last issue, this fall of 2013 will see many events to commemorate the Great Storm of 1913. The Huron County Historical Society is proud to be a partner in the series of events planned by the Great Storm Committee and other heritage organizations from Huron County and beyond.
The past year has been another busy time for our Society. Last spring general meetings were held on April 17 (Hotel Bedford, Goderich) and June 19th (HC Museum, Goderich). The Annual Meeting was held on May 15 (St. Peter's Lutheran Church, Zurich) Presentations at these sessions included: The Great Storm of 1913 and Associated Marine History by Paul Schmitt from Port Huron Michigan – The History of St. Peter's Lutheran Church & the Pioneer Cemetery by Alma Westlake and colleagues, and The Result of Rebellion: North American Political Prisoners in Van Diemen's Land by Dr. John Carter from Toronto. These were most interesting and well received presentations and we sincerely appreciate the efforts of the presenters.
At the time of writing plans are being developed for the fall series of HCHS meetings:
September 19, 2014:
- Sailing Blind: The Storm of 1927 by Scott Cameron at the Huron County Museum
Prior to each meeting the latest HCHS Newsletter is sent out by our Newsletter Chair Ralph Laviolette. In addition to information about upcoming meetings,
Ralph keeps us informed about HCHS projects and membership details.
This year the Society continues to be involved in various special projects aimed at promoting and preserving Huron County history. These include the
Archives Project and a project aimed at further development of historic plaques across the county.
Please note that we have added a searchable feature for these Historical Notes. This is a members- only, password-protected feature, so make sure that your dues are paid up to date!
For 2013-14 the Executive Council includes the following dedicated volunteers: President David Armstrong, Past President/Secretary Ralph Laviolette, Treasurer Mac Campbell, Membership Chair Elaine Snell, Archivist Rhea Hamilton-Seeger and Councillor Brock Vodden. The Executive Council endeavours to meet on at least five occasions during the year.
Again this year we are most appreciative of the funding support received from the Ontario Heritage Organization Development Fund.
If you have any questions about the Society, please call David Armstrong at 519-524-1156. We will be pleased to help.
Our mailing address is HCHS, PO Box 3, Goderich ON N7A 3Y5
David Armstrong, President 2013-14
If any of you have queries about the Society or archives, please use the current information on the contact HCHS page.
Message from the Editor
This edition brings forward the rest of the story about the Village of Egmondville, and some more details about the history of the village lots.
The Egmondville Part One edition was published in 2012 and copies are still available.
Many thanks to Dianne Smith for completing the work, and to Laurie Kruse for sharing his memories of Kruse Bros. Brick & Tile Works and the Kruse family. Thanks also to Dilys Finnigan for sharing the photograph of WJ Finnigan, and to Bill Brown, Carol McLean, and Pat Saundercock of the Van Egmond Foundation.
Ralph Laviolette Notes Editor