Huron County Historical Society - HCHS 2018 Notes 
HCHC 2018 Notes Index (Volume XLII)
- Clinton
- Early History (Page 3)
- Postal Service (Page 4)
- Industrial and Natural Resources (Page 6)
- Fanning Mill (Page 6)
- George Lavis and Massey Harris (Page 7)
- Fair's Mill (Page 7)
- Knitting Mills (Page 8)
- Glasgow McPherson Foundry (Page 9)
- Doherty and Sherlock Manning (Page 9)
- Jackson Manufacturing (Page 13)
- Clinton Electric Lighting Company (Page 13)
- Clinton Motor Car Company (Page 14)
- Henry Ransford and Salt (Page 14)
- Fires in the Town (Page 16)
- Inside a Box of Records for Huron Gaol (Page 17)
- Intellectual & Moral Foundations of the Gaol (Page 25)
- Thomas Young, Gaol Architect (Page 32)
- Update on Huron County Archives (Page 36)
- Historian of the Year 2017 (Page 36)
- Paul Carroll, A Man Dedicated (Page 37)
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To improve user experience, the 2018 HCHS Notes are now searchable and readable online for current HCHS members.
Message from the President 2018
It has been a great pleasure to meet many of the members and hear the wonderful speakers over the last year. It has also been a pleasure to work with Ralph Laviolette (secretary/treasurer), Rhea Hamilton Seeger (Past President/Huron Historical Notes Editor), Elaine Snell (Membership), David Armstrong (Director and Trip Planner), Pat Hamilton (Director), Larry Mohring (Director), and Mac Campbell (Director) during the past year. The members of the executive met regularly to dis- cuss the issues of preserving our Huron County history while moving towards the future, planning interesting speakers and events.
Events in 2017 included celebrating Canada's 150th Anniversary with the Society entering a float in the Goderich July 1st parade. The float was shared with the Goderich District Horticultural Society with the theme of History In The Garden. Once again we participated in the Zurich Bean Festival and sold Notes and post cards. It was wonderful to meet so many people interested in Huron County's history. Thank you to Elaine Snell and her family members who set up and took down the booth.
In November, the Society hosted a meeting of all societies and individuals interested in the history of the county. The purpose of the meeting was to share the special events and anniversaries that will be celebrated in the years ahead. This is an ongoing project as we all work together.
New promotional bookmarks were produced to handout at these events. And the Huron Historical Notes were sold throughout the year.
The special speakers were both enlightening and entertaining. Anthony Hopkins shared his findings about, "Thomas Young and Box 147 Huron County Goal Records" and a delightful evening with Ralph Smith and Ed Laithwaite at the "Laithwaite Apple Park with the history of the statues. Thank you to all, for sharing their time and expertise with the members of the Society. Next year, I look forward to learning more about our Huron County's history and moving forward with plans to increase our archival space.
Respectively submitted, Vicky Culbert
If any of you have queries about the Society or archives, please use the current information on the contact HCHS page.
Message from the Editor
In this issue we are featuring the first of a two part series on the history of Clinton. We are looking for photo treasures. Please contact Rhea Hamilton Seeger for more information.
Cost of mailing Newsletters has increased and like many organizations we seek ways to keep our costs down. Please use the form on the back to send us your email address to get future newsletters and meeting notices, or email it with your name to
Ralph Laviolette Notes Editor