Huron County Historical Society - HCHS 2021 Notes 
HCHC 2021 Notes Index (Volume XLV)
- Contents
- Visual Partnership (Page 2)
- The Forgotten Legend - Jack McLaren(Page 5)
- Some Rebellion (Page 38)
- Rememberances of Thomas Kydd (Page 39)
- Research Notes for Mclaren (Page 42)
- Market Square /Library Park (Page 9)
- Acknowledgements (Page 44)
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Editor's Notes 2021
To say the last year has been a challenge would be an understatement. Our feature of this issue is Jack McLaren. Despite all the work on the part of Directors Susan Glousher and Mary Gregg, good friend Dr. Michael Gregg and the staff at the Huron County Museum, our wonderful collaborative show, Reflections, the Life and work of J. W. (Jack) McLaren, had limited actual audience exposure. We say limited and yet modern communications helped more people enjoy Jack's work through computer access to the Museum's website which showcased the extensive work of Jack McLaren as well as interviews with David Yates and Susan and Mary. There is also a link to Jack McLaren A Soldier of Song with Jason Wilson.
Many thanks to Shawn Henshall who finished his long anticipated book The Forgotten Legend, The Life Story of John Wilson McLaren Canadian Artist, Illustrator and Actor 1895-1988. Shawn and his wife Kelly were an invaluable source of information and encouragement. And yes the book is available locally. He has kindly written the intro to our own art show.
We have also created bookmarks and lovely note cards which make excellent gifts and are wonderful to receive correspondence on. You can find them at the Goderich Co-Op Gallery. The HC Museum also produced a catalogue for the show and hopefully you can still purchase one.
Our much anticipated Trek to Bruce and Grey continues to be on hold. We hopeful that the fall of 2021 will be a good time to gather and head north.
We increased the number of newsletters to keep members in the know of upcoming plans. We also included a number of local book reviews. David Yates released his third book entitled That Freedom Might Survive, Stories of Huron County During the Second World War'. It focuses on life and characters in Huron between 1884 and 1939.
Our AGM was held via Zoom. We thanked Vicky Culbert for her fine work as President and Graham Booth for his work as a Director. Our awareness campaign is still on hold with the cancellation of so many events in 2020 and into 2021.
Our Historian of Distinction was Robert Lee, author and raconteur. Robert has been a generous contributor to our previous Notes. He researched and presented materials for the feature Romancing the Rails, 2017, and The Sunset Hotel, 2016.
We have taken advantage of Zoom meetings. For future research purposes, Zoom is a cloud-based video conferencing service that is used to virtually meet with others - either by video or audio-only or both, all while conducting live chats - and it lets you record those sessions to view later.
Many thanks to our Directors Ralph Laviolette, Larry Mohring, James White, Elaine Snell, Liz Sangster and Mac Campbell, who provide an active roster of informative meetings and we have to admit they were well received as our attendence was better than normal.
Our first speaker was Colleen Maguire on Moments in Time: The Life and Times of R. R. Sallows, Photographer. In March, Marc and Pauline Cantin shared the story of St. Joseph - 'The City That Never Was'. Marc and Pauline are members of the St. Joseph and Area Historical Society and Marc is the great grandson of Narcisse Cantin - 'The Wizard of St. Joseph'. Our last event was with Rebecca Garrett, Daryl Ball and James Roy who shared their knowledge and passion for the Magical Little Lakes and Ball's Bridge area, presently under pressure from resource extraction.
We want to thank the Ontario Ministry of Heritage, Sport, Tourism and Culture Industries for our Development Grant and our many members and supporters.
We have a full roster for Fall. Keep up with all the news with the renewal of your membership and receive newsletters via email/mail. We are even on Facebook! For further information contact us at
Despite the pandemic, COVID 19, we still manage to stay in touch and look forward to the day when we can meet again.
If any of you have queries about the Society or archives, please use the current information on the contact HCHS page.