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Click here to visit the HCHS Facebook page for event updates and posts about local heritage and history from Huron County.


go For current news, events and scheduled Zoom meetings Click here to visit the HCHS Facebook page for event updates and posts about local heritage and history from Huron County.


Dear Members of Huron County Historical Society

Upcoming Winter/Spring Events 2025


Upcoming March 19th Zoom Talk

Join us on March 19, 2025, at 7 p.m. for a virtual meeting and presentation via ZOOM. - "On the Fringes of the Average Life" : Lorna DeBlicquy a pioneering aviator and passionate advocate for equality for women in aviation..

From an early age, Lorna deBlicquy, born in Blyth, dedicated her life to aviation. She flew across Canada and beyond, breaking barriers for women in the field. Join us on March 19th at 7 p.m. via ZOOM as we welcome author Shirlee Smith Matheson and learn more about Lorna's remarkable life and career.

ALL members were automatically sent a ZOOM link to join this talk. If you have not received one please email HCHS1965@gmail.com.

Guests please email HCHS1965@gmail.com by February 16th for the link and information on membership.


go February 2025 Newsletter


Click here for a larger version of the poster.


Lorna DeBlicquy



Upcoming February 19th Zoom Talk

Join us on February 19, 2025, at 7 p.m. for a virtual meeting and presentation via ZOOM. - "A Solemn Promise" : A brief overview of the history of Treaties in the region..

This talk is presented by Sinead Cox Curator of Engagement & Dialogue at the Huron County Museum and Historic Gaol and author of Prisoner Profiles: Unlocking Secret Stories from the Huron Historic Gaol

ALL members were automatically sent a ZOOM link to join this talk. If you have not received one please email HCHS1965@gmail.com.

Guests please email HCHS1965@gmail.com by February 16th for the link and information on membership.


Click here for a larger version of the poster.


A Solemn Promise



Upcoming January 15th Zoom Talk

Join us on January 15, 2025, at 7 p.m. for our first talk of the year - "Tea meetings, concerts, and other things too numerous to mention".

We are excited to welcome our speaker Rebecca Beausaert author of Pursuing Play, Women's Leisure in Small-Town Ontario, 1870-1914 and co-founder/co-director of the "What Canada Ate" website.

This talk will be a lively examination of women's efforts at the turn of the 20th century, to negotiate space for themselves and their leisure pursuits. Though women's recreational choices were restricted by pervasive ideas about propriety, Beausaert reveals how they increasingly spearheaded both formal and informal clubs, events, and social gatherings, and integrated them into their daily lives.

PLEASE NOTE a small change to our procedure. In an to attempt to streamline the process, ALL members were automatically sent a ZOOM link to join this talk. If you have not received one please email HCHS1965@gmail.com.

Non-Members are always welcome, and they can also email HCHS1965@gmail.com for the link.

We hope you will join us for what is sure to be a great evening. Also, a note - it is time to RENEW your membership if you haven't already. Thank you for your support.

Huron County Historical Society

go December 2024 Newsletter

Click here for a larger version of the poster.


Women's Leisure Small Town



Upcoming November 20th Zoom Talk

Our next ZOOM meeting is November 20, 2024, at 7 p.m. and we are thrilled to host Dr. John O'Shea who will share his research on a now submerged area of Lake Huron, a 'land bridge' connecting northeast Michigan to Huron County, Ontario.

Email HCHS1965@gmail.com by Nov 18th for ZOOM Link.

Everyone is welcome.

go November 2024 Newsletter

Click here for a larger version of the poster.




October 29th 2024, 6:30 p.m. - 8:30 p.m. Huron County Museum Theatre

"The Disneys of Huron County Project Group" cordially invites you to attend a presentation by Mike Miles.

Pioneering Spirit: Walt Disney's Connection to Four Pioneering Families of the Huron Tract (Disney, Holmes, Richardson and Cantelon)

Location: Huron County Museum (Theatre): 110 North Street, Goderich

Date: Tuesday October 29th, 2024 at 6:30 - 8:30 pm

See details for complete itinerary. Click here for an Adobe PDF version of the poster.



November 2nd 2024, 9:00 a.m. - 3:30 p.m. Huron County Culture Summit


Huron County Cultural Summit Logo


The Huron County Culture Summit is coming up in Bayfield on Saturday, November 2nd. Through speakers and peer presenters, we'll be exploring topics such as:

  • Enhancing Rural Community through Partnerships and Collaborations
  • The Foundations of Event Planning
  • Developing Community Champions
  • Best Practices and Innovation

Our guest speaker, Giuliana Giancotta, Project Manager, Community Projects, Recreation and Culture, Town of Caledon will begin the day with her presentation "Collaboration in Action: Enhancing Rural Community through Partnerships" when she shares Case Studies of successful rural events in rural Caledon and the importance of creating partnerships to promoting arts and heritage, fostering tourism, and engaging the local community in rural events.

Peer speakers include: Sinead Cox - Huron County Museum; Gil Garratt - Blyth Festival; Mark Nonkes - Local Immigration Partnership; Angela Smith, Community Development Officer, Municipality of Central Huron; Gemma James Smith - Bayfield Lavender Farm; Miriam Terpstra - Maple Lane Haven; Pamela Stanley - RCAF/Vanastra; Derry Wallis - Climate Change and Energy Specialist, County of Huron, ... and more.

Summit participants will explore innovative strategies, share best practices, and ignite creativity in creating experiences that make a lasting impact.

Register today at this link and should you have any food intolerances, please forward any dietary restrictions to kstewart@huroncounty.ca by Friday, October 25.

Karen Stewart
Cultural Development Officer
County of Huron
519.524.8394 extension 2730 / 226-543-1100



September 18th 2024 at 7 p.m. - Blyth Memorial Hall

Please join us IN PERSON at Blyth Memorial Hall, for what is sure to be a great talk by Gil Garratt, Artistic Director, and Rachael King, General Manager, on the building of Blyth Memorial Community Hall and the history of the Blyth Festival.

431 King Street, Blyth

There is also a limited number of seats at the Blyth Inn for dinner at 5 p.m.
Email HCHS1965@gmail.com by Sept. 15 for ZOOM link and/or dinner menu.

go September 2024 Newsletter


See details attached for complete itinerary. Click here for a larger version of the poster.


Blyth Memorial Hall Meeting



Saturday May 11, 2024 - Trek to Waterloo County (full day excursion)


Please pre-register with David Armstrong by phone: 519-524-1156, or by email: Davidarmstrong@hurontel.ca by April 26th, 2024.

See details attached for complete itinerary. Click here for a larger version of the poster.


Trek to Waterloo County



April 17, 2024 - ZOOM talk at 7:00 p.m.

Join us for a tale of adventure, discovery, love and courage with author Anne Kay who will share details about the early days of the oil and salt industries, as she traces the life of her great-great-grandfather Peter McEwan - The Salt Man.

email: hchs1965@gmail.com (by April 14th) for Zoom link.

See details attached. Click here for a larger version of the poster.


The Salt Man



March 20, 2024 - In Person Presentation also on ZOOM talk at 7:00 p.m.

Join us for 'Riding the Rails with Dean Hickey as he shares a brief history of train travel in Huron County and beyond.'.

Meet at the former Grand Trunk Railway Station, now the home of FAUXPOP Media Inc., at 1 Maitland Rd N in Goderich to watch in person.

email: hchs1965@gmail.com (by March 19th) for Zoom link.

See details attached.

Riding the Rails with Dean Hickey



Huron County Historical Society members:
March 6th, 2024 at 8:30 a.m.

As you will recall, for many years our Society and others have been concerned about the lack of space at our HC Archives. Recently this issue has regained attention because of the closure of the North Huron Museum.

On Wednesday morning, March 6th, Ralph Laviolette and I will be appearing as a delegation at the County Council meeting here at the Court House in Goderich. We have been advised to be there by 8:30 am. We will be advancing the case for a co-ordinated effort to develop a business plan for the expansion of the archives.

We would be pleased to have anyone interested join us at the Court House. Alternatively, you may wish to join the meeting online using the link provided below.

David Armstrong, HCHS President

If you are unable to attend in person the meeting will be available on Zoom and Telephone Conference.

Zoom: Please click or copy the link below to join the Zoom webinar via Computer:

Password: 145566

Or Telephone:
Dial(for higher quality, dial a number based on your current location):

Canada: +1 778 907 2071 or +1 438 809 7799 or +1 587 328 1099 or +1 647 374 4685 or +1 647 558 0588

Webinar ID: 331 429 936
Password: 145566



February 21, 2024 - ZOOM talk at 7:00 p.m.
Join us for 'A Huron County Pioneer in Canadian Aviation' 'Keith 'Hoppy' Hopkinson'.

See details attached.

It is also that time of year again.
Membership fees/dues are $20 per year, (January 1st - December 31st).

Please make cheque payable to:
The Huron County Historical Society P.O. Box 3 Goderich, ON N7A 3Y5.
E-transfers are also an option.
For further information call 519-440-6206 or email: hchs1965@gmail.com

Thank you for your support. Wishing you a happy and healthy winter season.

David Yates - Zoom call Challenging Times


What better way to kick off the New Year then with a ZOOM talk with Davis Yates.
Join us January 17th , 2024 at 7 p.m. for 'Challenging Times'.

David Yates - Zoom call Challenging Times



Upcoming Autumn Events September, October, November 2023


Please join us September 13th, 7 p.m. at the East Street Cider Co., 130 East Street, Goderich for a talk on this beautiful heritage building and its rich history as an industrial site in Goderich. Enjoy sampling Cider brewed on-site, made from 100% Ontario apples which will be available for purchase. There are also non-alcoholic options if preferred.

Cheers to David and Ellen's vision "to create cider worthy of the heritage and fortitude of our historic building and the community within which it is located".

Everyone Welcome. We hope to see you there!

East Side Street Cider Company


Upcoming Summer Events June, and July 2023


Town of Exeter 150th Anniversary June 29 to July 2, 2023.

Look forward to seeing you there! Click here for a PDF poster of the events.

Exeter 150th Anniversary


Upcoming Spring Events April 19, and May 13

An in-person event has been scheduled for Wednesday, April 19, 2023 @ 7pm:

A tour of the Menesetung Canoe Club AND Maitland Lodge #33, @ 39 West Street, Goderich.

A wonderful opportunity for us to get out and about - and mingle– AND be permitted to visit two wonderful Huron County facilities not otherwise generally accessible!

As indicated on the poster attached, RSP's are NOT required – however, any questions, email HCHS1965@gmail.com.

Look forward to seeing you there! Click here for larger poster image.


Menesetung Canoe Club and Maitland Lodge


We are excited to have confirmed plans for our Trek to Lucan and London on Saturday, May 13th, 2023. These tours are always popular and great days out.

Please pre-book your tour by May 1st with David Armstrong.

Telephone 519-524-1156 or email davidarmstrong@hurontel.on.ca
If you have any questions David will be happy to help.

Look forward to seeing you. Click here for larger poster image.


Trek to Lucan and London 2023



The Wingham & Area Historical Society Meeting


Wed. March 8 at 2:30 pm 

Alice Munro Public Library, Wingham

Program includes

Stars of the Town, a black & white, silent movie taken about 1949 of Wingham's main street's buildings 

Plus Jodi Jerome's collection of old photos with information about more than 200 businesses on Josephine St. 

Plus a Dramatic Reading of Audrey's McKague's recollections of how getting a radio in the 1940s was very memorable. 

Everyone welcome

February 15, 2023:

Join us February 15 at 7 p.m. to hear Sinead Cox share the history behind the Young Canuckstorian Project. Email hchs1965@gmail.com to be notified of the Zoom link..

Canuckstorian Meeting


On June 12, 2022:


Exeter and District Heritage Foundation

'It Only Seems Like Yesterday…' June 12 Special Heritage Open House 1-4 pm. Royal Canadian Legion Exeter Branch 316 William Street, Enjoy a wonderful trip down memory Lane with artifacts and nostalgia.
Authors Bonnie Sitter and David Yates will be there. The Foundation will feature their newest project, a decorative fence around the perimeter of the Exeter cemetery.

Van Egmond House

Spring Breakfast June 12, 2022 from 8 a.m. to 1 p.m. Van Egmond House, in Egmondville is a magnificent restored country manor. It was built in 1846 and is furnished with antiques representative of the period. That alone is worth the visit and with breakfast offered too! What a start to the weekend. Prices: Adult $10; Children under 10 $5 with Preschoolers free.

Click here to load a PDF poster of the June June HCHS Newsletter in a new browser window.


On May 25 the Huron County Historical Society will be doing some housekeeping. Hard to believe a year has passed since our last Annual General Meeting This is a business formality that allows members to see what has been done over the last year, how we sit financially and how the membership has grown (or not).

We invite all members to take part in the HCHS AGM and make comment on the last year's events, activities.

Please consider this a warm invitation to attend via Zoom

For getting the zoom link for May 25, 2022, 7 pm, all interested should email hchs1965@gmail.com to be notified of the login details.

Looking forward to welcoming your input.

Mark June 12 on your calendar - Exeter and District Heritage Foundation would like to invite you to their Special Heritage Open House. There will be displays of local artifacts and nostalgia, authors Bonnie Sitter and David Yates will be there. The poster is attached. Please feel free to share and make it an interesting outing. I'll reply promptly.

Click here to load a PDF poster of the June 12, 2022 Special Heritage Open House in a new browser window.



Join the Huron County Historical Society on our Trek to Bruce & Grey.

Immerse yourself for a day in the history of our neighbours to the north. These tours are well organized, informative and fun.

Any questions or for more information contact David Armstrong 519-524-1156 or davidarmstrong@hurontel.on.ca or DM us.

Pre-book by May 1st.

Trek to Bruce & Grey 2022



March 16, 2022 at 7 p.m. Zoom Online Presentation

The Land Between

An Overview of the Indigenious Archaeology of Huron County

with Jim Sherratt, M.A., CAHP

The Land Between Zoom Call

Please email hchs1965@gmail.com for Zoom link...


November 3, 2021 @ 7:00 p.m. Zoom Online Presentation

Inviting Huron County Historical Society to join us.

Join David Yates sharing stories from his book "That Freedom Might Survive"

The pre-registration link is https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZ0udumrqTovG9ze1QWCtpGISDeVLSX9HJ0R

This free webinar is open to anyone.

Deb McAuslan

Chair, Huron County Branch,
Ontario Ancestors


October 20, 2021 @ 7:00 p.m. Zoom Presentation

Please email hchs1965@gmail.com for Zoom link...


Huron Branch OGS Webinar - Please join us on Wed, Oct 6th at 7:30 p.m. EDT

"Female Preachers of the Bible Christian Church" presenter Jim Bowen.

Pre- register for this Zoom webinar at


Jim's focus has been on the origins and history of the 19th century evangelical Methodist sect, the Bible Christian Connexion, with a specific interest in the stories of the female itinerant preachers. This research path has led him to Huron County, as he has explored the lives of his maternal ancestors.

Deb McAuslan

Chair, Huron County Branch,
Ontario Ancestors


September 15, 2021 at 7 p.m. EDT

Huron County Stone Gardens

Liz Sangster will present a summary of research done during the past year on cemeteries in Huron County. As a local historian, master gardener, student of art history and author, Liz has a unique ability to describe many facets of how the lives of Huron County residents have been commemorated. Liz is fluent in the language of flowers, symbolism, and the Victorian cult of the dead. By contrast, Liz's sister, Pam, is a geoscientist and dimension stone expert who addresses the physical aspect of the cemetery in the landscape.

Initially, the goal of the study was to provide a more robust understanding of these sites from a heritage perspective. Plans were to provide guidelines on a standard approach to documenting sites. As work progressed, some plans were modified to accommodate COVID restrictions to data. References, resource materials and suggestions for future study will be provided. Liz and Pam continue to work on their project.

For getting the zoom link for Sept 15, 7 p.m., all interested should email hchs1965@gmail.com to be notified of the login details.



Over the past few meetings, the Society's Directors have considered forming a Film Society section and would like your input as members. The proposal involves a film evening to be held once a month, by Zoom conferencing until COVID permits live meetings, then at the Goderich Museum.

Please contact James White at 519-821-5096 if you want further information. Attendance will be by invitation using email addresses. If you wish to join this first, free evening Zoom presentation on April 22 at 7:00pm, please email your request for the Zoom link to hchs1965@gmail.com.

More information is available in the March HCHS newsletter linked below.

Adobe PDF Click here to download the March 2021 Newsletter in PDF format.







We have been offered some more books to sell with proceeds to the Huron County Historical Society. Bonnie Sitter is generously looking after this project, with delivery terms and collection.

She can be reached via email bonnie.sitter@gmail.com Make an offer!


Back copies of The Historical Notes can be purchased from – Finchers and The Book Peddler both of Goderich, North Huron Citizen in Blyth, The Book Barn off Hwy 86 between Wingham and Whitechurch, The Village Bookshop, Bayfield and Bayfield Archives.

Copies of recent past Historical Notes are also available from Elaine Snell please phone at 519-523-9531 (past copies $8.00 per copy).


Renewing and New Memberships may be easily paid by e-transfer. Contact us at hchs1965@gmail.com to arrange.

To view the current HCHS member brochure click here.


Jack McLaren Art Cards

Please email glousher@cabletv.on.ca or e.mary.gregg@gmail.com to arrange purchase. Choose from 10 Huron County Scenes. $3.00 each.


Reflections: The Life and Works Of J.W. (Jack) McLaren

October 8th 2020 to April 30th 2021

For current Huron County Museum hours please visit:


Or for more information call the Museum at 519-524-2686


Jack McLaren

This exhibition showcases the life and works of John. W. (Jack) McLaren, who fought with the Princess Patricia Canadian Light Infantry in WWI, and entertained troops at Ypres Salient, Vimy Ridge and many other locations on the Western Front with the PPCLI Comedy Company and 3rd Division Dumbells Comedy Troupe. McLaren was also an associate of the Group of Seven at the Arts and Letters Club Toronto, and a talented artist and writer who enjoyed successful careers as a commercial and editorial illustrator, caricaturist, advertising and promotion executive, and painter throughout much of the 20th century.Jack and his wife Lillian moved to Huron County in the early 1960s, where Jack continued to be prolific in both the visual and theatrical fields. He was elected president of the Huron County Historical Society in 1968 and designed our logo. This exhibition is in partnership with the Huron County Museum.

Below find a link to a video tour of the exhibition Reflections: The Life & Work of J.W. (Jack) McLaren running at the Huron County Museum in Goderich, produced by The County of Huron. The Huron County Historical Society wanted to feature Jack in a way that would bring long due awareness to this remarkable Canadian and Huron County resident.

As the idea evolved, it became clear gallery space would be required to best show his work and tell his story so a partnership with the museum was born.

The video features: Huron County historian and author David Yates, Shawn Henshall who is married to Jack's great granddaughter Kelly and who has authored the book The Forgotten Legend (Friesen Press 2020), Susan Glousher and Mary Gregg, Directors of the Huron County Historical Society and Sinead Cox Acting Senior Curator of the Huron County Museum.

Absent is Dr. Michael Gregg. Michael is with the Department of Archaeology at the University of Toronto. He led the research and wrote the text for the interpretive panels you will see at the museum and secured institutional loans for the show. He also led the HCHS through over a dozen boxes of Jack's extensive reference files in the Huron County Museum archives to uncover a plethora of examples of his creative process, inspiration, advertising mock ups and far reaching connections a few examples of which you will see in the glass cases in the gallery and are described in the video.

This 27 minute video is a great primer to watch before and after seeing the show. We hope all who visit come away inspired and enlightened by Jack McLaren's life and work.



November 2020 Newsletter

  • A Tribute to Jack McClaren
  • James Harrison White examines Sadra Orr's book 'Grand Bend to Southhampton'
  • Lots to do this winter...

Adobe PDF Click here to download the November 2020 Newsletter in PDF format.


Join us for the HCHS Annual General Meeting in September

We are planning to hold our COVID19-postponed Annual General Meeting on Wednesday, September 23, 7 p.m. in order to satisfy our corporate and charitable status requirements by audio–video conferencing using Zoom. The popularity of this new way of holding meetings and group communications is both convenient and, for some members who live further away, may be the first time they can take part in the Annual General Meeting without all the travelling involved. One of the main items on any AGM agenda is the slate of officers. We are a small friendly group who share the work to make the load lighter for others. Vicky Culbert is standing down as president. She has been very active and has set us on a course to be more in the public eye. Graham Booth has stepped down as director, and with his solid suggestion of creating banners, and Vicky lining up locations at local fairs, we were headed into a much needed public awareness campaign. While the summer is slipping by and all of the events we were to attend have been cancelled, we still have the basic blueprint to follow to get us back into the swing of things when safe to do so.

If you would like to virtually attend the AGM on September 23, please contact Ralph Laviolette to register and get set up with a link.hchs1965@gmail.com

Adobe PDF Click here to download the August 2020 Newsletter in PDF format.


rescheduled Rescheduled: Trek to Bruce and Grey

Huron County Historical Society is Hosting a Bus Tour

Trek to Bruce & Grey Bus Tour Scheduled Spring 2021

We are still hoping to make this bus tour happen and we are hopeful with more and more businesses opening up is a good sign for us.

David Armstrong 519-524-1156 davidarmstrong@hurontel.on.ca


rescheduled Cancelled: The Victorian Tea for May 23 sponsored by the the AMGH Foundation, Goderich that we told you about last newsletter has been totally cancelled.

We hope it will be scheduled for next year. It promised to be a wonderful event that would appeal to so many.

Step Back in Time, A Victorian Event

An immersive event includes admission and activities at three unique locations!

  1. St. George's Anglican Church - Victorian Tea and International Bayfield Croquet Club demonstartion on the lawn
  2. Huron County Museum - One woman play featuring Colleen Maguire and access to the Victorian Apartment
  3. Huron County Gaol - Infantry School Corps will be performing exercises in the courtyard


Consult the NEWSLETTER section for other upcoming events and meetings or click below.

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go December 2024 Newsletter

go November 2024 Newsletter

go September 2024 Newsletter

go April 2024 Newsletter

go February 2024 Newsletter

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